clothes. But this time, she appeared to understand my feelings. So we talked quite a lot of my desire to cross dress. I told her that it made me so nervous when I tried to restrain my urge to crossdress. She admited that she had noticed this fact and that for. the several previous weeks leading up to her most recent dis- covery she had noticed that I was behaving "like a bear." I was only eating one meal a day and just hated my job. The house needed painting and I couldn't care less about it. I had refused to go out with her. I did not realize that she had noticed all these things!
My wife indicated that I would have to do "something" about my "problem" and the condition of our marriage. She then urged me to dress more often if this would make me more easier to live with and take the pressure off me. I was to tell her when I needed to crossdress so she could go out and let me have the house to myself. She allowed me to keep my pretty things in her dresser drawers and use anything of hers that fit me. She even showed me several dresses in her closet which were now too small for her and said that Icould wear them if Iliked. She EVEN allowed me to use her nice coat that she did not like although it was almost new saying that she was going to purchase another one, anyhow. Well, that was a good excuse for her to get a new coat, but Iwas glad for the "exchange".
So that was the way it went. I was able to dress many times when my wife was away. I even purchased a wig that looked nice on me. One night while my wife was away and I was all dressed up, I went OUT and walked around the block. It was dark and I was unnoticed. I live in a quiet area and there were only a few people about. I was most satisfied with that expe- rience. The few people that I passed on the street merely looked at me as a middle-aged woman. I wore nothing to call attention. to myself only plain 'street clothes", a pretty hat, a navy blue coat, white gloves, black pumps and a little handbag.
I repeated this experience as often as possible and always welcomed the times when my wife would leave me alone in the house. Each time when I went out I went farther away from the house and came back only when my feet started to hurt. That was one experience that woman have that I didn't care for. I carried no identification card in my purse, just a few dollars